Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Election, Sickspach Style

So, in all of this, I did a little bit of research. An incumbent has only been defeated 10 times, and on 9 of those occasions, the president was subjected to an intra-party challenge. It is extremely difficult to beat an incumbent, but let me state here and now that if any deserved to be defeated, it was Obama. I do feel that what America voted for last night was virtually status quo. The house was maintained by the R's, Senate still controlled by the D's, and Beavis retained his kingship. There will continue to be gridlock, there will continue to be a push from 50% of the country to right this ship, and the other half will continue to demand that we pay for their way of life.

My disappointment is that this election was my turning point. I have stated to many people that 51% of us are pulling the cart and 49% are along for the ride. Tuesday night, I was hopeful that some of the 49% would want to join us. For the first time in my lifetime, we are now outnumbered. What I saw last night was the culmination of greed, entitlement and stupidity on display. Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylvania voting to get rid of the coal industry blew my mind. Florida, New Mexico and Nevada voting for amnesty was no surprise. The northeast is a clear liberal bastion, and New Hampshire needs a new state motto. My disappointment is that the takers have overtaken the producers. America was never a country that came looking for a handout, and last night, that all changed.

I heard on the radio Wednesday Rush pointing out that we can't compete with Santa Claus, and he's right. How do we responsible Americans teach the irresponsible responsibility? How do we teach them that free birth control is not a right, but if you want it, feel free to pay for it yourself? How do we look at our neighbor in disrespect for not having a job, when not having one pays better? How do we reverse unemployment, stabilize wages, and encourage entrepreneurship when the drive to be successful is demonized? I don't know what the answer is, and that is what is so puzzling to me.

I'm already reading that Bohener is going to capitulate and grant an increase in taxes on the top 3% to get us through to the next congress and to avoid the fiscal cliff. I have also read that Harry Reid is changing the rules in the Senate to stop or restrict the filibuster process. On top of that, the senate is going to ratify the small arms treaty with the UN, which will flow over to us and yet another industry will be heavily regulated. Finally, the hope for Obamacare repeal is all but a nice furry dream while maintaining a contact buzz on a trip to Colorado or Washington thanks to them legalizing marijuana.

Our country is going down the shitter. Have no doubt that we, the producers, will dwindle to 50% by 2015. Mark my words that in 2016, we will be $20Trillion in debt, a decreased tax base, and still trying to sell Chevy Volts to the masses. Our energy policy will remain the same, and there will still be a stalemate. Not only did the takers vote for more free crap on Tuesday, but the producers were able to vote for some semblance of normalcy and to retain the house. We've got a long road to hoe. If any country can do it, we can, but at some point, we have to tell the little babies no once in a while. We have to have the resolve to let them know that mommy and daddy aren't making as much money as we did a few years ago, and you might have to get off your ass and get a job, plant a garden, can, clip coupons, buy the off-brand stuff, etc. that we do everyday to save a little cash. The takers are outnumbering us now. And that isn't a good thing...

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