Perhaps it's always been common; however, recently, there have been an abundance of reports of liberals displaying their intellectual capacity. Often times, demeaning the questioner in the process of not answering the question. Of course, the big one was Sen. Feinstein playing on emotion in response to Sen. Ted Cruz's question regarding constitutional application to the propsed "Assault Weapons" ban.
Then we have an "unknown" senator (Leahy/Senator Depends, I presume) mocking Sen. Cruz during his questioning of Sen. Feinstein.
Then we had Nancy Pelosi spouting off about the budget.
Then we had President Obama slapping down one of his own in response to a MI Representative's question regarding the creation of jobs in his district.
Then we move to the press:
Chris Matthews tries to knock Trump about birtherism.
WaPo is in serious crisis mode over the Senator Menendez scandal. The Daily Caller is making them look like the upstart newspaper here. Not the other way around.
Then we have Andrea Mitchell stating that Ted Cruz isn't in a fair fight when it comes to lecturing Feinstein on the Constitution.
This is a 48 hour period you guys. What strikes me the most out of all of these articles is one common thread. The libs are on defense in every single one. I can't recall a time, especially in the last 5 years, where I've seen the libs on defense. What is the sudden turnaround? Why are they back pedalling?
Agree or disagree, Rand Paul's fillibuster has had a profound impact. His 13 hour Randathon was epic in many ways, but first and foremost, he took it to the libs. He didn't play on emotion. He offered his interpretation, presented numerous facts, statistics, and contorted his beliefs by tying the constitution to them. It changed the tone in Washington. 3 Senators on the Republican side have made a stand. They have drawn a clear line, and they have said "we ain't playin'".
The republicans who are causing such a stir are framing their arguments in sound fashion. Much like Rand Paul, the questions they raise are irrefutable. By demanding such an easy answer to an assinine question regarding drone strikes on Americans in America, Senator Paul was able to expose the left for who they are. By taking over a month to answer whether or not the administration thought it was constitutional to kill Americans in America with a drone, the pause was long enough to raise doubt in every mind who heard the story.
McCain and Grahm were right in saying that the question was silly and assinine. That was the point. By defending not answering the question, and after a month of dicking around, Holder finally provided a clear, distinct answer following the fillibuster. Rand Paul won. Big. All the left (and semi-right) had left to do was demean the messenger, demagogue his actions, and name call.
Follow that up with Ted Cruz. Regarding Obamacare, Senator Cruz's ammendment in the Senate to defund Obamacare did not have one defector from the Republican side of the aisle. Not one defector! That's huge you guys. I'm just in awe of what these freshmen Senators are doing in the name of liberty. They are calling out the stupid and exposing them for who they are. It's a great thing.
It gives me hope. Rubio said at CPAC yesterday that we (Republicans, of which I am not) don't need a new idea. We have an awesome idea already. It's name is America, and it always works. These guys keep it up, and we'll get this thing turned around. I commend them for standing up and taking this bull by the horns. They are great Senators, and we need more like them. So, as the libs will sit there and tell you how stupid you are, because they are the smartest people in the room, keep an eye on the guys who are not allowed in that room. Cruz, Rubio and Paul. If this is the future of the Republican Party, I may, at some point, go ahead and register.
Mostly Politics, but Random Thoughts, Informational Posts, and Some All Around Good Old American Apple Pie
Friday, March 15, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
The Education Crisis... It's fo real dawg!
So, 80 percent of New York City High School graduates can't read. 80 Percent. I'll let that sink in for a minute...
My wife and I went out for drinks last night with my best friend and his wife. Along with us was a good friend of all of ours, and he and my friend's wife are both teachers. Politically, my best friend and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum, and his wife, although somewhat pragmatic, is a pretty big liberal too. When together, we rarely talk politics, at least when we are couples. The friend, who doesn't go out with us very much, just started a job at Muskegon Heights school. A charter school in Michigan.
He began telling us stories about his first 4 months at the high school, and honestly, I can relate to what he's going through from my time working in the department of corrections. He said there are fights weekly, the kids are very disrespectful, there have been numerous teacher assaults, and attendance is right around 58% on any given day. Total population for the high school is around 350 kids from grades 9-12.
He said that he doesn't teach the kids. He can't. He presents a lesson, and kids who are actually paying attention are outnumbered 3-1 in class. The majority of the kids don't care. The majority of the kids' parents don't care.
He told a story of one of his female students, age 15, who missed school repeatedly over a 2 week period. He reported her truancy, and called her mother. The mother stated that her daughter had been out of school because she had to testify in court against her father in a domestic abuse case, as well as a divorce case. She wouldn't be at school due to complications with her (the child/student's) pregnancy, and her mom (also a single mother) would do what she could to communicate with the school to let them know.
His stories were non-stop. One after the other about the lives of the kids, their upbringings, the parents... It was something that pissed me off more than made me feel sorry for them. I asked the resident educators at the table what can be done. One of the two said "nothing", and the other said "if we can come up with the answer, then we will solve our society's ills." Although I agree with the first answer, it was the 2nd which gave me pause. This really isn't an issue with our education system; it is a societal issue.
Our education system is such a shit hole, I just can't grasp it. 80% of the kids who graduate school in NYC can't effing read! Small little Muskegon Heights High School has an average attendance rate of 58%. The teachers want more money. The unions demand more from the taxpayers. The school budgets are astronomical. I just don't get it.
What is the answer? Standardized testing? Yeah, right. School choice? How do the kids get from home to a better school when their parents don't even know where they are to begin with? More charter schools? Muskegon Heights IS a charter school, and it's pretty symbolic of how the charter schools are in MI.
Society doesn't care, evidently, that our kids are growing up not knowing a thing, that the majority of the parents look at school as a free daycare, and the teachers cannot control the kids. The administrators can't administrate because of union interference, and the unions just demand more and more without impunity. I'm going to think on this one. However, reading about NYC and having dinner last night just shows me what kind of state we're in. It ain't good...
My wife and I went out for drinks last night with my best friend and his wife. Along with us was a good friend of all of ours, and he and my friend's wife are both teachers. Politically, my best friend and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum, and his wife, although somewhat pragmatic, is a pretty big liberal too. When together, we rarely talk politics, at least when we are couples. The friend, who doesn't go out with us very much, just started a job at Muskegon Heights school. A charter school in Michigan.
He began telling us stories about his first 4 months at the high school, and honestly, I can relate to what he's going through from my time working in the department of corrections. He said there are fights weekly, the kids are very disrespectful, there have been numerous teacher assaults, and attendance is right around 58% on any given day. Total population for the high school is around 350 kids from grades 9-12.
He said that he doesn't teach the kids. He can't. He presents a lesson, and kids who are actually paying attention are outnumbered 3-1 in class. The majority of the kids don't care. The majority of the kids' parents don't care.
He told a story of one of his female students, age 15, who missed school repeatedly over a 2 week period. He reported her truancy, and called her mother. The mother stated that her daughter had been out of school because she had to testify in court against her father in a domestic abuse case, as well as a divorce case. She wouldn't be at school due to complications with her (the child/student's) pregnancy, and her mom (also a single mother) would do what she could to communicate with the school to let them know.
His stories were non-stop. One after the other about the lives of the kids, their upbringings, the parents... It was something that pissed me off more than made me feel sorry for them. I asked the resident educators at the table what can be done. One of the two said "nothing", and the other said "if we can come up with the answer, then we will solve our society's ills." Although I agree with the first answer, it was the 2nd which gave me pause. This really isn't an issue with our education system; it is a societal issue.
Our education system is such a shit hole, I just can't grasp it. 80% of the kids who graduate school in NYC can't effing read! Small little Muskegon Heights High School has an average attendance rate of 58%. The teachers want more money. The unions demand more from the taxpayers. The school budgets are astronomical. I just don't get it.
What is the answer? Standardized testing? Yeah, right. School choice? How do the kids get from home to a better school when their parents don't even know where they are to begin with? More charter schools? Muskegon Heights IS a charter school, and it's pretty symbolic of how the charter schools are in MI.
Society doesn't care, evidently, that our kids are growing up not knowing a thing, that the majority of the parents look at school as a free daycare, and the teachers cannot control the kids. The administrators can't administrate because of union interference, and the unions just demand more and more without impunity. I'm going to think on this one. However, reading about NYC and having dinner last night just shows me what kind of state we're in. It ain't good...
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Make it Hurt... Like a Bee Sting... But Still, Make it Hurt
Without going into a long history lesson, our founding fathers created the 3 branches of CO-EQUAL government to ensure that any legislation would be as difficult as humanly possible to achieve. The legislature creates bills, which may or may not become law. If the bill passes one chamber, it is sent to the other, and if passed, are signed into law by the President. Lawyers may or may not like a law, so they have the right to pursue it deemed unconstitutional, and they bring briefs to the Supreme Court. The court then ultimately determines whether or not the law is legal by tying it to our founding document, The Constitution.
Our founding fathers wanted gridlock. They came from a country and a ruler who farted and then passed laws which taxed those whose flatulence created an odor. When the King, at a whim, wanted to make a law, he did so, and the people were required to oblige. Our founders didn't want that. They wanted anything that was to become law, to be sound, just, and right. Looking back at the history of our country, one can easily see how difficult it used to be to pass a law, let alone make it stand on the grounds of the Constitution. Hell, we even went to war with ourselves over slavery.
Fast forward to 2013, and "our house" is closed for tours. In an announcement yesterday, the White House is officially closed for tours due to the Sequester. No, it's not a joke. The Sequester is so severe, that we the people, cannot tour "the People's House". Sometimes I really wonder what the hell people are thinking when they elect these idiots.
Obama doesn't want to govern all the people. He doesn't want to ensure our greatness. He is a baby. A big, crying, whining, sniveling little brat who doesn't like to be told "no". He's a product of a generation where we all have the right to whatever we want, but shouldn't have to do anything to earn it. He is a stick figure in an empty suit who willfully posits groups of us against each other. He is clearly the most divisive figure in the history of our country.
In October of 2012, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) released his Annual Report that highlights government waste. Money that the government spends, which is taken from taxpayers, in an irresponsible manner should be the focus here. Tours of "our house" most certainly is not wasteful spending. Nor will it break the government to keep the guides on staff and run a regular schedule. Nonetheless, here are some things that Senator Coburn highlighted only 5 short months ago:
But that would require governing. Something Obama is incapable of doing. Something Obama will not do. Something that defies his very fabric of divide and conquer, separatist policies, exclusion in lieu of inclusion, and taxing the rich. His administration sent emails to federal agencies instructing them to ensure that the impact of the sequester is what the administration initially proclaimed: ARMAGEDDON! Even the press, "his press", is starting to come around and remind people that the sequester isn't a cut at all. In fact, ALL BUDGETS WILL INCREASE THIS YEAR!
Oh well. Make it hurt as much as possible right? Punish the people for Obama's and congress' inadequacies. Punish us for paying taxes. Punish us for funding their ineptitude. I have a feeling I'll be saying this for a while now, but don't blame me. I voted for Romney.
Our founding fathers wanted gridlock. They came from a country and a ruler who farted and then passed laws which taxed those whose flatulence created an odor. When the King, at a whim, wanted to make a law, he did so, and the people were required to oblige. Our founders didn't want that. They wanted anything that was to become law, to be sound, just, and right. Looking back at the history of our country, one can easily see how difficult it used to be to pass a law, let alone make it stand on the grounds of the Constitution. Hell, we even went to war with ourselves over slavery.
Fast forward to 2013, and "our house" is closed for tours. In an announcement yesterday, the White House is officially closed for tours due to the Sequester. No, it's not a joke. The Sequester is so severe, that we the people, cannot tour "the People's House". Sometimes I really wonder what the hell people are thinking when they elect these idiots.
Obama doesn't want to govern all the people. He doesn't want to ensure our greatness. He is a baby. A big, crying, whining, sniveling little brat who doesn't like to be told "no". He's a product of a generation where we all have the right to whatever we want, but shouldn't have to do anything to earn it. He is a stick figure in an empty suit who willfully posits groups of us against each other. He is clearly the most divisive figure in the history of our country.
In October of 2012, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) released his Annual Report that highlights government waste. Money that the government spends, which is taken from taxpayers, in an irresponsible manner should be the focus here. Tours of "our house" most certainly is not wasteful spending. Nor will it break the government to keep the guides on staff and run a regular schedule. Nonetheless, here are some things that Senator Coburn highlighted only 5 short months ago:
- Tax loopholes for the National Football League (NFL), National Hockey League (NHL) and Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) – professional sports leagues that generate billions of dollars annually in profits ($91 million in taxes)
- Corporate welfare for the world’s largest snack food producer, PepsiCo Inc. ($1.3 million)
- $4.5Billion in allowable spending in Food Stamps which allow individuals receiving the benefit to buy goods at Starbucks, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other establishments.
But that would require governing. Something Obama is incapable of doing. Something Obama will not do. Something that defies his very fabric of divide and conquer, separatist policies, exclusion in lieu of inclusion, and taxing the rich. His administration sent emails to federal agencies instructing them to ensure that the impact of the sequester is what the administration initially proclaimed: ARMAGEDDON! Even the press, "his press", is starting to come around and remind people that the sequester isn't a cut at all. In fact, ALL BUDGETS WILL INCREASE THIS YEAR!
Oh well. Make it hurt as much as possible right? Punish the people for Obama's and congress' inadequacies. Punish us for paying taxes. Punish us for funding their ineptitude. I have a feeling I'll be saying this for a while now, but don't blame me. I voted for Romney.
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