Our founding fathers wanted gridlock. They came from a country and a ruler who farted and then passed laws which taxed those whose flatulence created an odor. When the King, at a whim, wanted to make a law, he did so, and the people were required to oblige. Our founders didn't want that. They wanted anything that was to become law, to be sound, just, and right. Looking back at the history of our country, one can easily see how difficult it used to be to pass a law, let alone make it stand on the grounds of the Constitution. Hell, we even went to war with ourselves over slavery.
Fast forward to 2013, and "our house" is closed for tours. In an announcement yesterday, the White House is officially closed for tours due to the Sequester. No, it's not a joke. The Sequester is so severe, that we the people, cannot tour "the People's House". Sometimes I really wonder what the hell people are thinking when they elect these idiots.
Obama doesn't want to govern all the people. He doesn't want to ensure our greatness. He is a baby. A big, crying, whining, sniveling little brat who doesn't like to be told "no". He's a product of a generation where we all have the right to whatever we want, but shouldn't have to do anything to earn it. He is a stick figure in an empty suit who willfully posits groups of us against each other. He is clearly the most divisive figure in the history of our country.
In October of 2012, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) released his Annual Report that highlights government waste. Money that the government spends, which is taken from taxpayers, in an irresponsible manner should be the focus here. Tours of "our house" most certainly is not wasteful spending. Nor will it break the government to keep the guides on staff and run a regular schedule. Nonetheless, here are some things that Senator Coburn highlighted only 5 short months ago:
- Tax loopholes for the National Football League (NFL), National Hockey League (NHL) and Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) – professional sports leagues that generate billions of dollars annually in profits ($91 million in taxes)
- Corporate welfare for the world’s largest snack food producer, PepsiCo Inc. ($1.3 million)
- $4.5Billion in allowable spending in Food Stamps which allow individuals receiving the benefit to buy goods at Starbucks, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other establishments.
But that would require governing. Something Obama is incapable of doing. Something Obama will not do. Something that defies his very fabric of divide and conquer, separatist policies, exclusion in lieu of inclusion, and taxing the rich. His administration sent emails to federal agencies instructing them to ensure that the impact of the sequester is what the administration initially proclaimed: ARMAGEDDON! Even the press, "his press", is starting to come around and remind people that the sequester isn't a cut at all. In fact, ALL BUDGETS WILL INCREASE THIS YEAR!
Oh well. Make it hurt as much as possible right? Punish the people for Obama's and congress' inadequacies. Punish us for paying taxes. Punish us for funding their ineptitude. I have a feeling I'll be saying this for a while now, but don't blame me. I voted for Romney.
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