Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gardasil: Still a Risk and Worth Discussing with Your Congressman

You might remember the Republican primary in 2012, when Gov. Rick Perry from TX was running for President. While governor, he mandated that all girls age 12 and over receive the HPV vaccine. Upon signing and implementation, 12 girls died in TX. At that time, there was no linkage between the vaccine and the deaths, but he coined the phrase "coincidence" in relation to the vaccine and their deaths. The protest of the law grew so loud, Governor Perry repealed it. The funny thing is, that if I weren't so into politics, I may not have ever heard about the risks of this vaccine.

It was then that I began to be reluctant in getting the vaccine for my girls. Kari, my wife, is a nurse, who at times, recommended the vaccine for the girls, but I was, and still am, reluctant. We had discussed it at length, and I voiced my apprehension. Thus far, we have not had them get the vaccine. To my knowledge, since my girls are over 12, and law does not require them to notify us, they have not received the vaccine on their own accord (I have discussed the possible ramifications with them, and trust that they would discuss this with us, however).

This video is pretty powerful. I don't think that the risks outweigh the reward. Cervical cancer is horrible, no doubt, but I am happy that we haven't had our girls get the vaccine. We may not have them today. All I can say, is if you have a little girl or a young woman in your family, educate yourself on this. Based on these testimonials, it could be the difference of life and death. The name of the drug is Gardasil.

Click here to watch a powerful plea from those who have suffered from the Gardasil vaccine.

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