Monday, January 14, 2013

Are We Ready (for another 4 years)?

We are a week away from the end of arguably the worst presidential term in the history of the US. One week from today will mark the beginning of the 2nd term of the King of America, and with it, there is only one question that will be answered by the end of it. Will the years 2013-2016 be worse than 2009-2012?

I wrote last time about what we nobodys can do to become effective. I assigned some tasks to myself for the coming years to ensure that, at the very least, I've done my part. I saw the open agenda items remaining from President Obama's first term, and cannot help but wonder if we are really ready as a people for what is coming. I understand the knee-jerk reaction to opposing all things Obama/Democrat. After all, I've had a lifetime of capitulation from the right equaling compromise, while the left has not once come our way, even a speck.

I look at items such as gun control, immigration, court appointments, cabinet appointments, racial divide, class warfare, and our move toward "assisting" countries in Africa, and I can't help but wonder if we're ready for what's coming. I look at who has left Obama's cabinet and where they went following their departure. I look at who will be implementing policy over the next four years, and I can't help but wonder if we're ready for what's coming.

The fact is, half of this country can't stand the guy in the white house. I look at the map from the 2012 election, and I can't help but see that 12% of our land mass is dictating what the rest of us must do. It is so frustrating! Nonetheless, I can't help but wonder if we're ready for what's coming.

I look at how my family reacts to the coming agenda items, and I wonder if I'll be able to articulate why certain things are bad to my children. They are old enough to think for themselves, and they ask solid questions and push me to answer them. We don't always agree, but I don't dismiss them either. I try to provide them with foundation to come to their own conclusions, and if they disagree with me, I ground them. Is that wrong? :) As these items start coming to the forefront, and with hyperspeed ferocity, I can't help but wonder if we're ready for what's coming.

I look at the conservative movement, gearing up already for 2014, blowing every argument, and losing to a media and narrative that is overtly false, as well as in your face, and I wonder what our chances are to restore the US. I wonder if we will be able to out maneuver the left, even a couple of times, to ensure that our most basic liberties are not infringed. I wonder if our Speaker will suddenly grow a spine, and if he will call out the President and the Senate for their inadequacies and failure of leadership. I wonder if our only sane section of government will begin to lead and propose real solutions to ensure that there is fiscal sanity in our spending. I wonder if the House will begin to come together to develop a sound majority, instead of a fractured body of legislatures meandering down different paths. If there is any time to stand together, these next four years are it. Because, I wonder if they're ready for what's coming...

So, do your part. Get involved. Support organizations that will help your causes. Invest in companies that support your lifestyle. Get to know your school boards. Get to know your city council members. Get to know your representatives. Hold all of their feet to the fire. Let them know that they are but a piece of the puzzle for your community, state, and country. If ever there was a time to stand firm, this is it. If we all do our part, then I know we'll be ready for what's coming. We must be ready... and armed.

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